Culture Pass — Peoples' Symphony Concerts


Peoples’ Symphony Concerts and many other NYC cultural institutions participate in Culture Pass, a free program available to New York State residents and New York City workers and students through the Queens Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, and The New York Public Library. For those new to the metro area or curious to learn more about the arts, it’s the perfect gateway to the wealth of arts and culture in NYC!

One (1) free ticket per year to any Peoples’ Symphony Concert is available to Library card holders, 13 and older. A limited number of Culture Pass tickets are available to claim for each Peoples’ Symphony Concert.

To claim your Culture Pass ticket, email with your name and the concert you wish to attend, and please tell us where you hold your library card. Culture Pass tickets may be picked up at Will Call at the box office on the concert date. You will automatically be added to our e-mail list, and may unsubscribe any time.

If you are eligible and would like to apply for a NYC library card, visit your library’s website below to get started.