PSC Fun Stories #5 - Play Ball or Play Violin?

Hi PSC Family,

We hope that you've been enjoying the fascinating PSC stories that we've been sharing as we prepare for our historic 125th season! So far we've highlighted the generational legacy of the violinists, quartets and pianists that have played for us over the years. Today we have an unusual familial connection between the worlds of classical music and sports!

Frank personally tells us about an early PSC performer, Albert Spalding; a world class violinist of the day, who also served in both World Wars and was a wartime aide to then Congressman, Fiorello La Guardia! His uncle was a Hall of Fame pitcher, who started the famed Spalding Sporting Goods Company with Albert's Dad, but the violin not the family business was his passion.

Spalding played two D Major concertos at Carnegie Hall for PSC - Mozart’s Violin Concerto #4, K. 218 and Beethoven’s Violin Concerto Op. 61. After the First World War, PSC moved downtown to Washington Irving High School and began focusing on presenting chamber music and recitals over symphony concerts.

As well as playing the great classical concertos, Spalding also gave the premiere of Barber’s Violin Concerto in 1941.

The Barber concerto is a favorite of one of today’s virtuoso violinists, Augustin Hadelich. He returns to PSC in 24-25 to perform Bach Partitas, Ysaye, David Lang, and Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson. There will be more dazzling violin playing from Danbi Um, Soovin Kim, longtime PSC artist Jaime Laredo and the members of the Juilliard, Takács, Dover, Elias and Calder Quartets.

To see more of the many accomplished violinists who have performed for PSC over the years, check out the list here!